Organic Bitter Orange Marmalade (220g)


Fratelli Ferrante uses only the best Sicilian oranges to create an organic blood orange marmalade that best expresses the qualities of citrus fruits.

The company has created a blend of Moro and Tarocco oranges for a jam that captivates with its ruby ​​color and amazes with its intense flavour, with notes of wild berries. All the oranges are peeled by hand to obtain the peels, which are added to the pulp in large pieces.

The fruit is concentrated in a vacuum of air, at around 55°C, to keep the flavor of the oranges intact. For 100g of finished product there are 130g of orange pulp.

Usage tips:

spread on bread, rusks or biscuits for breakfast; excellent for variegating yoghurt or ice cream. To be tried in combination with meats for important gastronomic combinations. It is best paired with aged cheeses.

Weight: 220g.