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The value of compostable and biodegradable materials according to Wilden.herbals

What are we talking about when we talk about compostable and biodegradable materials? And what have herbal teas in common with these concepts? Wilden. herbals will clear your doubts and take you on a journey to explore our production choices.

Two hints. They are often used together. Plus, they define the properties of a specific material able to dissolve with no permanent trace on the ecosystem. It seems that biodegradable and compostable go hand in hand. But are you sure how to distinguish one from the other? And above all: is Wilden. herbals biodegradable or compostable?
Let’s find out.

Compostable vs. biodegradable: spot the difference

By biodegradability we mean the capacity for biological degradation of organic materials. This process is possible through the enzymatic activities of some living microorganisms. Once completed, it will turn the substances into simple inorganic molecules (hence biodegradable).
They can be water, carbon dioxide and methane. When something is compostable, it undergoes an aerobic biodegradation process. The material is exposed to open air and oxygen and turns into compost. It means it’s ready to be a fertilizer: your backyard will turn into a hanging garden of Babylon!
But wait…what does all this have to do with Wilden.herbals?

Wilden.herbals: a biodegradable e compostable brand

Wilden.herbals’ story is built on several levels. On one hand, our research on taste, quality and sustainability of raw materials. On the other, our effort to create a 100% biodegradable product and a biological herbal teas brand.
That’s the spirit of Wilden.herbals.

The filter of our herbal teas is compostable, TÜV certified and in compliance with EU legislation. This means you can throw it in the composting domestic waste without leaving any trace.

Compostable filter, biodegradable wrapping and recyclable paper case.

The pyramidal filter bag is made of corn with no synthetic food additives that could alter the taste. The tea bags are composed by biodegradable paper sealed with corn starch, also biodegradable.

And now, the final touch. The packaging is made of 100% recyclable and FSC-certified paper. 

All this may seem pretty obvious. And yet in these ever changing times where nature commands us a radical change, there are still too few brave brands who are entirely devoted to nature. One possible cause for this is the effort behind a sustainable production process and eco-friendly materials. It’s a choice that takes time, dedication and patience. And it goes against a market where speed and hyper-consumerism are everything.

This is our mission: in these strange times we don’t want to play a secondary role. We want to lead the change and be the spokesperson of nature. Whatever the obstacles we might face, we will strive for this. That’s our pact of love and respect for nature.

If you want to know more about our certifications, you can take a look here