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Looking for a new flavor. Introducing our Remedium n.7 – Detox

The Remedia Line by Wilden.herbals welcomes a new recipe: it is the purifying herbal tea that was missing from our menu

Don’t be fooled by the number, with this novelty our Linea Remedia now consists of 8 herbal teas (the very first is number 0 – Morning). Eight is a number that is said to be associated with cosmic balance. Our eighth recipe could not but help us find the balance of every day.

How the Remedium n.7 – Detox came to be

Detox is the youngest of our Remedia. We began to fantasize about his recipe with the return of sunny days, in the first months of last spring, when, during the lockdown, we were forced to stay home and daydreamed about the wild places we carry in our hearts.

But the true moment in which we perfected the ingredients and doses came later, once our team was able to reunite for a summer team building that we spent away from the city. Immersed in the nature of Abruzzo, in Pettorano sul Gizio, tasting after tasting and test after test, we finally reached the flavor we were looking for.

Who is the Remedium n.7 – Detox for: our golden tips

We have to admit that this was the hardest recipe to come by.

Because we wanted it to have just that right balance where the bitter taste, albeit strong, reaches a point that everyone can appreciate.

Of course, on the contrary, with the sweet it would have been easier: the sweet taste is what we look for the most since we are children, but as the palate grows and becomes more refined it needs to find more layered nuances, which include a balance with the other four so-called fundamental flavors.

For our Remedium n.7 – Detox we didn’t stop making tests and corrections until we found the exact blend we had in mind, harmonious with balsamic, slightly acidic and astringent notes, where you can find a hint of sweetness of woodruff and the pungent but delicate notes of fenugreek and nettle.

If the properties remind you of our Remedium n.4 – Hangover ou are absolutely right, Detox too has soothing and relaxing effects. However, it is the ingredients that make the difference. If in the Hangover we find the more classic lemon and fennel that together with chamomile help to regain physical and mental serenity, in the Detox we have artichoke and thistle, two ingredients historically associated with purifying properties.

Inside Remedium n.7 – Detox: herbs and pairings

And while we’re talking about ingredients, it’s time to list all those that make up our Remedium n.7 – Detox: helichrysum, ginger, artichoke, woodruff, fenugreek, Marian thistle, equisetum and nettle.

For this recipe we wanted to explore new boundaries, in fact of the eight elements listed above we had already used only two for our previous recipes, the other six are new to us too.

When and how to use our detox herbal tea? We recommend it especially in the morning, upon awakening, and then throughout the day. It can also accompany you during meals or, why not, immediately afterwards, especially after a large meal. For example during the holidays it can be the pick-me-up you were looking for when, as is our custom, you find yourself with your loved ones and fill up on traditional dishes.

Try our new Remedium n.7 – Detox

Remedium n.7 - Detox